Face Recognition Android App
Aurora™ is our face recognition software developed for the Android operating system. This software offers both image and real-time video recognition using advanced algorithms. Testing results have shown 98% accuracy levels for male and female faces which are among the most accurate in the public security and biometry industries. The mobile application transfers data between the client and the server via cloud servers while also maintaining high level encryption and security when compared to fingerprint scanning.
Some examples of potential applications of the software may include: access management in IT; biometrics; law enforcement; personal security; the medical industry and the entertainment/leisure sectors where identification of a customer (s) or client (s) is required.
The software can be customized to fit any operating system and hardware so that any and all identification, recognition and categorization needs are met.
AURORA is the result of years of state-of-the-art research and development which has given us at Auroris, a technology that is implementable in a variety of ways through various mediums.